I’m only just about half way through the campaign if anyone wants to Join me for the 2nd half hit me up on XBL at HeadsnapTV GOW4 is AWESOME and 5 looks amazing to I cant wait. At least it is a option though I love my gaming to much will always keep all major platforms. Thanks to the developers Date of experience. I'm having the same issue, when i goes ALT + Tab the game freezes and i need to restart it every time, i have 16Gb ram and i'm not even using half of it, seems like a problem with the game. STEP 4: at the top-left of the screen there are some buttons.
Waw zombies freezing have to alttab install#
STEP 3: Run (or download, install and run) CheatEngine5.6. STEP 2: Either startnewgame of Openexistinggame. Having phone app means not alt-tab in game. PAY ATTENTION AND DO EVERY STEP EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED AND IT WILL WORK.
Waw zombies freezing have to alttab mod#
Completed a first run on insane stats and now playing on New Game+1 only using the mod where needed. For me the experience so far on PC has been AMAYZING! I am guilty for going ahead and re activating my XBOX Live account so I always have the option to switch to console but its ridiculous how bad the graphics are for me if and when I have to play on console at 60fps. Yesssss The game became mega fun - explore without dying, drop those bosses that used to hand me my butt on a plate.

I have recently just got Gears of War 4 so I’m pretty damn late to the part but at least I wont completely miss it like I did 2 & 3. Well after a good taste of the shooters I loved on PC I felt it was another huge upgrade from PS4 and now both consoles mostly collect dust. Eventually I stopped playing PS4 a few years back and went to most all PC for my Gaming after or up until the point I always only ever played MMORPGs on PC.

I missed 2 and 3 for the most part “Gameplay” because I was drawn to PlayStation for other games and felt always much better performance so XBOX consoles began to collect dust. I mean I played games since I was a kid but nothing like I have since I Dove into The original Gears of War. With that said I have been a hardcore gamer for many years now because of Gears. Well I think you should try some scratch cleaner and try rubbing some all over the disk. I guess I’m a bit of a “old man” to be playing games.