What kind of financial management is this? This option should have been tested and available when the system went online. I received a June and July distribution I didn’t want. Currently it’s not possible to change or cancel a current distribution online, one has to call the help line to request a change (currently wait times are typically 60 min or more), and then the transaction is done manually by someone else and takes 7-10 business days to be implemented. This new website and app are a poor replacement for the previous system. I fear how this will be maintained over time…and how much of the waste will cost us as investors. Same for whomever designed and administered the contract. There should be a $ penalty in the contract for poor performance and lack of functionality. Scary to think the US Government has such a dismal management system and dismal contract over site! I don’t trust it after seeing this app. I wonder where the $ for development of this app came from and who administered the contract. My beneficiaries have disappeared although the confirmed paper version was complete.

I want access to my account when overseas without using phone services (text/phone) or app that’s non functional. I want to see the same information on the previous tsp (distribution/share costs/amounts/when) but it’s difficult if not impossible. Dump it and send the 2 people who want that fluff to an external website. The fluff advertising of the “benefits” of the system that comes up first is distracting and unnecessary. I agree the requirement for 8 character favorites is counter productive.

Sad attempt at an electronic system to manage life savings. Expensive app worth nothing! Whoever contracted this should be fired but they didn’t ) compared to the average joe who created an app with less money, and ironically for not having as much money there app on there first attempt is better then this garbage. um even there first interaction of the app is better then this!!! Not to mention the added fact that the tsp company that paid money to create the app has millions of dollars( so the app created by tsp should be better, they can put more money into it to make it better on first try…. The problem is that everyone else who creates an app…………. I’ve got more storage on my phone then any computer I had at home growing up… tsp “ finally having an app” isn’t the issue, good job on “ getting” an app. We got smartphones that can watch movies and play games on. Yes “ they finally came out with an app” “ it will be updated to improve it surely “ …. Ps… to all the people who give it 5 stars. ( OBVIOUSLY, seeing there’s no updates, the website is way faster so why should they care about the app) Don’t waste your time with this!! ( besides seeing your balance, everything meaningful you’d want to do just sends you to there website).they obviously didn’t care when they created this steaming pile of garbage, they only created it to say “ we have an app” lol. Long story short… laughably SLOW, EXTREMELY limited on functionality.